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Partner in DaF-Netzwerk - Bulgarien

"Sofia University, Department of Foreign Language Teaching Methodology" is one of the participants from Bulgaria in DaF-Südost Netzwerk. Beside the english information below you will find more detailed information in german on this site.

The Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology is a national centre of non-Slavic languages, literature and culture. The Faculty's academic staff numbers 212 full-time and as many part-time lecturers. Staff members combine their research projects with the constant endeavour to improve teaching methods and practices, recognizing students' needs and expectations.

The activities of the Department of Foreign Language Teaching Methodology encompass the areas of teaching and studying foreign languages as well as training foreign language teachers. It also conducts scientific research on various problems of foreign language education and the integration of information technologies into the teaching process. The department has a wide, long-standing professional experience in training foreign language teachers. The department is currently employing 12 full-time lecturers: four Associate Professors, one PhD Professor and seven MA Professors.

All of the lecturers participate in the development of programs and teaching materials for training foreign language teachers, as well as text-books and other teaching materials for all levels of Bulgarian primary and secondary education. Annually, the German Language Division trains approximately 50 students majoring in German Philology. In order to offer a thoroughly elaborated course of instruction of future German language teachers, the German Language Division of the Methodology Department has established close contacts to the schools in Sofia and other Bulgarian cities, where German language is taught. There, the students do pedagogical internships.

The department operates in close co-operation with foreign language elementary schools and high schools, other universities working in the same area, institutes for teachers education, and foreign cultural institutes in Bulgaria (Goethe-Institute Sofia, British Council) . For the last three years, the lecturers of the German section have been taking part in a program for regional co-operation with other countries from South Eastern Europe. In the course of this co-operation they organize regional meetings, seminars and produce a regional magazine for German language teachers. (for more information: The department intends to apply for support as coordinating institution of a two-year Comenius 2.1 project on the development of a curriculum for the education of foreign language teachers. For further information please visit

Key person/expert responsible in the network:

Prof. Dr. Daniela Stoytcheva is a Full Professor at the Department and also President of the Bulgarian German Teachers' Association. She has authored or co-authored more than 10 Teaching Text Books for German as First or Second Foreign Language, including some for primary school education. Her research focuses on German as a Second Foreign Language and on Methods of Monitoring, Assessing and Testing.

The network community is open for participants from all over the world.You can easily register as a member of the community, if you are interested in innovation and European consciousness in methodology and practice of German teaching and learning. As a member you can discuss in a protected area of the website direct with all partners of the network-project and you and your institution are listed on the member site with a link to your own homepage.

Online-registration as a member.

Do you have questions? Please contact us.