BerlinerID - Deutschkurse in Berlin des IIK Duesseldorf WerbungSommerkurse IIK Düsseldorf

Partner in DaF-Netzwerk - Germany

"University of the Armed Forces, Munich" is one of the participants from Germany in DaF-Südost Netzwerk. Beside the english information below you will find more detailed information in german on this site.

The Institute of Educational Psychology, as part of the larger Faculty of Social Sciences within the University of the Armed Forces in Munich, is specialized in research on adult education, e-learning and new media in teaching and learning. Some of the research projects of the last five years are titled "Communication of knowledge in virtual learning groups", "Social presence of tutors in internet-based distance education" and "Structuring and sequencing of complex text-picture-combinations for the acquisition of knowledge", all of which were supported with funds by the prestigious DFG. Courses offered by the Department include "Learning and Communicating in the Internet" and "Study and Learn with Multimedia and Internet".

Key person / expert responsible in the network:

The Head of the Institute, Prof. Dr. Bernd Weidenmann, is known not only for his outstanding research, but also well known to a wider public through his articles in newspapers and magazines, throwing light on his valuable ability to communicate scientific issues and research results to people outside the academic world. He has studied Psychology at the University of Freiburg/Br. (Germany) and received his Ph.D. in Educational Science from the University of Munich (Germany). In 1988 he got his "Habilitation" in Educational Psychology at the University of Augsburg (Germany).

He has worked as Manager of the Institute for Science of Teaching in Munich, was Editor-in-Chief at the Publishing House "Urban und Schwarzenberg", and since 1988 has been Chair of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of the Armed Forces. His research focuses on Adult learning, Learning with Media, and E-learning. His research team comprises three Post-Doc researchers, and two PhD candidates.

Selected publications:

  • Weidenmann, B. & Krapp, A. (2001). Pädagogische Psychologie. Ein Lehrbuch. Weinheim: Beltz
  • Weidenmann, B. (2001). Lehr-Lernforschung und neue Medien. In Herzig, B. (Ed.), Medien machen Schule. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt
  • Weidenmann, B. (1997). Medien in der Erwachsenenbildung. In F. E. Weinert & H. Mandl (Hrsg.). Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Serie Pädagogische Psychologie, Band 4, (405-436). Göttingen .: Hogrefe.
  • Weidenmann, B. (1996). Instruktionsmedien. In F. E. Weinert (Hrsg.). Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Serie Pädagogische Psychologie, Band 2: Psychologie des Lernens und der Instruktion, (319-368), Göttingen: Hogrefe.
  • Weidenmann, B. (1994). (Ed.). Wissenserwerb mit Bildern, Bern: Hans Huber.

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